John Slavin
Professor John Slavin
MBBS FRCPA, Dept of Pathology, Univ of Melbourne and St Vincent Hospital, Australia
Professor John Slavin completed his formation in Pathology at Repatriation Hospital Heidelberg, Royal Women’s and also at the Royal Melbourne Hospitals, and obtained his fellowship in 1993. John moved St. Vincent’s Pathology in 1994 as Staff Pathologist with diagnostic responsibilities in Cytology, ENT, Urology, Orthopaedics and General Pathology. In 2002, Professor Slavin joined the Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne. Currently, John combines his diagnostic pathology with being involved in the teaching of the undergraduate and postgraduate students. John is also interested in research, and has a successful association with St. Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research (SVIMR) / Bernard O’Brien Institute and the Victorian Bone Tumour Registry.
Last update on: 2017/08/08 09:41:16 UTC/GMT time.