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Piero Nelva

Piero Nelva

Monash Medical Center
Clayton, VIC, Australia

Piero Nelva studied Medical Laboratory Science at RMIT in Melbourne, and graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Histology) in 1988. He worked at several public hospitals in Melbourne as an undergraduate and recent graduate until he settled into the Anatomical Pathology department at Monash Medical Centre. He is currently the senior scientist in the Immunohistochemistry department at Monash Health in Melbourne, Australia, and has been in this role since 1994. Piero has presented widely in the field of immunohistochemistry, for groups including local histology interest groups – the Histology group of Victoria and Tasmania, and nationally within Australia at meetings affiliated with interstate histology groups (Histology groups of South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland).He is also a past presenter at this Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry Group. In 2000, he was invited to China to deliver a lecture series on histology techniques at the Beijing Cancer Hospital. This involved laboratory tours in the mornings at this and other medical and scientific institutes followed by lectures in the afternoons and an invariably magnificent dinner. He has a regular annual IHC lecture as part of the Royal College of Pathologist registrar training programme and most recently was involved in another Registrar training series – Monash Ancillary Techniques symposium. He undertook and completed post graduate studies in 2007 and was awarded a Fellowship of the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists in 2012 in the discipline of Anatomical Pathology. He was also then appointed supervisor for the AIMS Examinations committee in the Anatomical Pathology discipline, which he relinquished in 2020. Piero’s non-work interest include cycling, his car club and taking holidays with his family!

Last update on: 2024/05/05 20:43:13 UTC/GMT time.